Creating and Managing Blueprints
A Blueprint captures the current device's resources, Observations, Edge Actions, services, and firmware, as a versioned configuration Blueprint that can be applied to other devices. This is useful for Applying Blueprints the same settings to multiple devices.
A Blueprint is always created from a device as described in the following steps:
- Navigate to Device > Blueprint.
- Click Create new Blueprint, enter a Blueprint name when prompted, and click Create. The settings from the current device that will be used in the new Blueprint are shown at the bottom of the screen.
- Click Save new version to save the Blueprint. The Blueprint screen allows you to click on Edge Actions, Resources, Observations, and Services to list the respective items associated with the Blueprint.
You can see the list of available Blueprints in the Version dropdown on the Blueprint screen in Octave. This field will be only be available if at least one Blueprint has been created.
Updated about 5 years ago